Wedding Specifics: The Bachelorette Party

We all know the perfect bachelorette party doesn’t just fall out of the sky. Someone makes it happen. Rather, lots of people make it happen. We’ve got some quick suggestions for planning a smooth and fun celebration for all.

Designate A Spearhead

Figure out who your most planner-y type-A friend is, and let them run with it.

Meg Keene, “How To Plan A Bachelorette Party: Tips From The Trenches,” A Practical Wedding

The bachelorette party does not have to be planned by the Matron or Maid of Honor. Follow Meg Keene’s advice above, and nominate the most note-driven, organized bridesmaid to handle everything from researching experiences to delegating tasks. Someone needs to be a responsible go-to–and the main person to Venmo.

Make It About The Bachelorette

You may be surprised to find that your wildest friend has no interest in barhopping, or your conservative friend wants to wear a tiara and sash . . . the entire time.

Virginia Van Zanten, “How to Throw the Perfect Bachelorette Party,” Vogue

Regardless of what the MoH thinks (knows) will be a hit for the group, they should still check with the bride for initial planning ideas. Better safe than sorry! Before booking that cruise, vineyard cabin, or Las Vegas loft, know some opinions about the following things.

First, we’ll repeat it again, know what the bride wants. Check with the bride’s expectations for the overall experience along with “typical decor” choices. Don’t go all out on those… cake forms/etc. until the bride has been at least lightly consulted.

Secondly, know what the group would enjoy and what everyone can afford. Use the group to crowdsource ideas, but remember that whoever spearheads the trip gets the final decision–mostly because not everyone is going to agree or even respond to the group chat. Especially in the early planning stages, communication is both the most important and most complicated aspect. Consider yourself blessed if your squad all efficiently texts back!

Third, on top of preference, time, and monetary concerns, make sure everyone will feel comfortable re: COVID-19. That means making sure everyone is informed about how often the group may be out and about in public, transportation plans, and more. Ask beforehand so that no one feels uncomfortable in the moment or pressured into something they do not agree with.

Have A Blast

…but remember to account for some downtime, too. Regardless of how old the group is, everyone will thank you if there is at least one scheduled nap!

Be sure to take group photos and document the celebration, but don’t spend the whole time pretending to be IG influencers. A couple well-angled shots should be enough for everyone to share the social media love. With a little bit of planning and a great group of people, the bride will undoubtedly feel celebrated and supported.

For more wedding specifics, read our articles “Wedding Specifics: The Engagement Party” and “Wedding Specifics: The Bridal Brunch.” We hope this series helps out all Maids of Honor and other lucky planners!

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